Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Next Project

I am not sure what angle I want to go exactly?  Either continue and perfect my fairy tale project, but I honestly don't like to re-shoot, especially if I like my initial outcome, but may want to explore farther.  I also kinda of want to do something more up lifting and funny, maybe keeping the fairy tale theme but make it the reality version, bright contrast colors and the character in there drunk and slutty scenarios.

I like to learn something new or expand what I already do in this next project but not sure how to come about that.

Monday, October 26, 2009



Researching is a strength i normally have in all my work.  I enjoy the process of looking at other artists, reading related materials and making my idea stronger.  Ideas don't always come me me right away but looking at materials and going to gallery's, any kind of inspiration usually starts me in the right direction.  Processing out my steps is also something that helps and I am good at, I take many notes to help me through to fine tune my ideas.  I even take notes on exact locations, lighting angels and props I will be using it is all the process in how I work.


My weakness is defiantly tyring to start shooting, I enjoy it but I have to be complete with my research and process before I even start. I can never usually just go out and shoot to start a project.  I even sometimes procrastinate the shooting, I am not sure why?  I do get excited to shoot but that effort to go and just do it takes me little more.  I guess I have to feel that my idea is exact, even though sometimes shooting helps me realize something needs to change and I must re shoot.   But days I don't feel in the ready shooting mood and I don't feel things come out right when I am like that.


If I create more of a structured time line for my self, setting specific dates to start shooting by and start editing it seems to help the situation a bit more. Not spending too much time on the exact details may also have a different outcome of my work possibly in a good way.  A definite structure with my own due dates will help the process along.

Next Draft:

I start by listing out things of interest, and inspirations I have had lately and start to research them.  Looking at artists other work, going to gallery's and reading helps with this, at times just what is happening to me in the moment is often how I get my topic.  After I have my topic I look at works and readings that are specifically geared towards it.  I draft out the ideas to portray my topic, look at all forms of is from a fine art perspective to a editorials perspective.  I write out my details of how to show it, locations, shoot details, specific looks, if I want it to be a narrative or something completely different ect.. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Mon work day

Finally in the print stage! It came out well not exactly how I wanted to now making some changes and going for round two. Looking forward to seeing everyone work.

peace out!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Edit Edit Edit

So yesterday (WED) and today I have been pretty much just going through lots images and editing my choices.  Thought I would take a break to write my blog.  Things are coming out like I hoped (so far), getting a little frustrated at my schedule and trying to make time to finally get to editing.  Hope to be done tomorrow so I can get some printing started.  Hope everyone else is having fun with there projects!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Muted Fashion Effect

So I found a tutorial to give a cool muted/bleached out look while keeping wanted colors.

I started with this image [Not mine, Found on the Internet]
The first step is to make a copy of that background layer and desaturated it, I used hue/saturation and took all saturation out, and labeled that layer BW to keep things in order. Also lighting up the photo a bit in curves to bring out some details may help for a better look.
Next I made another copy of the original background and put it on top of all layers and put it on the soft light mode and labeling it soft light helps for neatness and confusion.
It gives a cool look and you can take down the opacity if wanted for desired look.
You can just stop there or you can take it a step further by keeping those colors bright and funky. You can do a mask to bring out those color or you can boost it up by creating a color balance layer, put them at the extreme max of wanted colors, click ok and put it on the soft light mode as well. (this is now the top layer)
-Image after Color balance/Soft light
Now you make one more copy of the original photo and put it on the Overlay mode, the look similar but the next step where it comes together.
Lastly make a layer mask on your last overlay layer, invert it (on this particular picture you do, some you don't have to invert depending the look you want) in the mask paint white the colors you want to pop more, you may also turn down to the desired opacity. . . . this is the result.
-Final Product
Once you get it down its pretty simple to give a fashion style muted look with a lil pop!
You can find the tutorial on lynda.com for a more in depth step by step.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

My Wednesday progress

So I finally got to my first final shoot, it went better than I thought.  The lighting seemed to work out well and my model was great. Now looking to start the editing and finish the rest of the shooting Saturday.  The mix of blue gels and ambient lighting is coming out well, one downfall is I wish I was able to shoot a little earlier in the day but doing well figuring out everyone schedules with mine, looking forward to the rest!
Randomly found this you tube video, its sand art on projection.  Its an old video but I thought it was pretty sweet!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Testing Out!

So I tested some lighting out again and think I found what I want. I will be using some areas around my place that seem to work great. I will be shooting a lil more during the day so there will be a more contrast with natural light coming in with the shots in the room. Check it out!